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OUR VISION StepUP Tuition is committed to the vision to exemplify excellence and leadership in quality education. We provide a platform where goals are achieved, skills are nurtured and values are build. To facilitate transformation of students into good human beings, responsible citizens and competent professionals, focusing on assimilation, generation and dissemination of knowledge.
OUR MISSION Our mission is to serve society through excellence in education. We always aim to define the absolute standard of excellence in the area of academics: 1) Impart quality education to meet the needs of profession and society, and achieve excellence in teaching-learning and research. 2) Attract and develop talented and committed human resource, and provide an environment conducive to innovation, creativity, team-spirit and entrepreneurial leadership. 3) Facilitate effective interactions among faculty and students, and foster networking with alumni, industries, institutions and other stake-holders. 4) Practice and promote high standards of professional ethics, transparency and accountability. 5) We aspire to instill the right attitudes, values and vision in. Our students that will prepare them for a life time continued learning and leadership in their chosen careers
OUR VALUES 1) We focus on service to students as the core value of the Academic Success Centres. 2) We exhibit an ethic of care in working with all students, staff, and faculty. 3) We honour the diversity of student identities, experiences, purposes, and learning styles. 4) We operate with a spirit of generosity in the exchange of expertise, knowledge, and resources. 5) We value hopefulness and possibility. 6) We expect life balance and professional excellence. 7) We conduct our work through deep listening, creative problem solving, and collaboration.